
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Resting while climbing

Lately I have had a real busy season in ministry. So, I went to Vital Bouldering Gym in Carlsbad and I was challenged and humbled. Bouldering is like rock climbing without any protection. There is no rope, no harness, no belayer and no rest. When you are on the wall it is either up or down.

However as I watched others boulder, I saw their technique to be fluid and light. My style is more like a bulldozer trying to stay vertical. I am used to having a rope and harness to fall back on.

Then I started watching more closely. One guy would lock his leg and "rest" while still on the wall. He took the time to catch his breathe while still hanging there.

In the same way, through busy times do we build in "rest"? God commands us to take time to renew and recreate. Even in the busiest times we need to take this time. Jesus went away to lonely places. I go to bouldering gyms.

What do you do to rest while you are in the middle if the battle?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Confessions of a Reluctant Fund Raiser

In building relationships that change eternity I do much of my work in the non-profit realm. That means I  work for an organization where I raise my own support to fund my position.

I must admit, fund raising is one of the hardest jobs I have ever undertaken. However, since my job depends on raising funds,  I am working on my attitude and sharpening my skills. One book I came across was "the Spirituality of Fundraising," by Henri Nouwen.

In his book Henri deals with the heart it takes for a believer to enter into fundraising and how to build partnering relationships.So here is what he says on building partnerships to fund ministries.

1. To ask securely you must be secure in Christ.
It is all about my relationship with God. If I am secure in the knowledge that God loves me and provides for my needs I will be able to freely ask others for support.

2. Love must be the aim of fund raising
Fund raising is developing a relationship between two people. I must seek to build relationships with those who I choose to ask to partner with the ministry. If I am not loving the person then I am using them.

3. Minister to the needs of the donor
Donors are people too. Each of us whether rich or poor have needs and experience loneliness. Raising funds give the opportunity to serve those who I am asking and allow them to fulfill their dream by supporting a ministry they believe in.

In all this I realize that by my choice of asking others I allow God to work through me to give others the opportunity to be blessed. Fund raising becomes a partnership and not a contract.